Circle of Light is a World-wide online Community
David provides a foundation of light to support you in this world-wide community. One of our practical projects is supporting the urgent need of Mother Earth to receive light and healing. She needs more willing participants to carry Light into her heart.
♥ Healing ♥ Earth Healing
♥ Spiritual Development ♥ Navigating Life
♥ Online Community
History of Circle of Light – How it all Started
Circle of Light began in February 2019 as a result of me being in a great deal of inner pain and despair. I was in the Netherlands at the time and I asked my colleague Harriët Kroon would she have a look into my system to see could she determine what was causing this imbalance. When she looked in, she received the words, ’Mother Earth is Burning.’
A number of other messages came afterwards along with guidance in how to help Mother Earth. That night I remotely created a vortex in a field near to my home in the UK and the following morning I checked that it was functioning as it should, which it was. By the end of that day all my pain and difficulty had gone and I was fully recovered.
What was taking place within me was that Mother Earth was trying to attract my attention by using my heart to try and clear some of her toxicity. Because the intensity of this process was making me so ill, I couldn’t figure out what was happening, but once Harriët had received the messages, it all made sense and I could get to work.
One Heart is Not Enough
As I worked the vortex through my heart, one of the other messages to be received was, One heart is not enough. I was guided to write to everyone on my mailing list about creating an Earth Healing Event for Mother Earth. That was at Spring Equinox 2019 and almost all of those people are still offering their hearts for the event four times a year at the Solstices and Equinoxes. It has been a wonderful process.
I want to Shine
One other message that we received at this time of difficulty for Mother Earth was this: ‘I don’t want to implode, I want to shine’, and that is where the name, Circle of Light came from. The Earth herself is this shining sphere of light.
David leading people into the Volcano
How Does the Earth Healing Work?
I offer you the choice of a Preparation Essence. This is a vibration that prepares your heart to receive the Light for your Healing work with Mother Earth. In this preparation process, the vibration of the essence opens your heart gently for a week or so before the event. This means that when I transmit the Light Manifestation into your heart for the Healing Event itself, your heart has already opened to a certain degree. This means that you can receive more Light than if you had not prepared yourself. However, this is a choice and I do understand that some people are very cautious with things they don’t understand.
As well as the Light for the Earth Healing, you will also receive the vibration of an additional essence that is given to you to help with your own Spiritual Development.
Because you have offered your heart as a vehicle to help Mother Earth, both she and the Universal Consciousness ensure that you receive a healing and an evolutionary process yourself. So, essentially, you get two shots of healing and evolutionary light through both the Light Transmission and the Essence. If you take the Preparation Essence as well, then you receive even more.
The Light will be with you for at least 10 days, if not longer for the healing work, so there is no need to do it on the actual solstice or equinox day itself. What is also important to understand is that most people cannot receive and process the amount of Light that is offered to you, so the intelligence of the Universe and Mother Earth feeds it to you over a period of weeks or even months. Once you are in their embrace, they take care of you.
The Reflection of Glory
Everything within consciousness works by reflection. You know the old sayings, like, ‘you get what you give’ and ‘what goes around comes around.’ These are expressions of reflection. So, as we offer our hearts as a vehicle to transmit Healing Light to Mother Earth, the reflection is that our hearts are bathed in the Love and Light of the Universe as well as the Energy of Mother Earth to help with our own process of spiritual evolution. Basically, we get what we give, usually amplified by at least a factor of ten.
About David Ashworth
“I have been a healer and spiritual teacher since the early 90s. The first healing and spiritual abilities that I gained after my awakening were with Earth Healing. I recall when I was about 17 or 18 sitting on a bank on the Lancashire moors one afternoon and wondering what secrets the Earth held.
I remember clearly thinking that there was some kind of magic or hidden knowledge beneath the brown grass of the moorland that couldn’t be seen. It was a kind of knowing. I also remember asking the Earth to speak to me. Well, nothing much happened for the next 23 years, but then I had an almighty surge of Light through my heart that changed my whole life and that was the start of Mother Earth and the Universe communicating with me. I began to see the energies in the Earth and was then guided in how to interact with them.
My earliest spiritual work was in Earth Healing, cleansing land and property and creating sacred spaces for people to live more harmonious lives within. Work that I still do today.
The Earth Mother taught me everything I needed to know to be an Earth Healer and through much practice I went through the stages of becoming a Geomancer and Shaman.
The key thing to understand about the consciousness of Mother Earth and her Nature Spirit Kingdoms is that you can call to them but they only call you when your heart is ready. They open the door to show you things based on the truth and purity in your heart. If your heart and desires are pure and true, then you will be seen.
It is exactly the same process to align with the Law of Attraction. The Universal Consciousness comes towards you based on the same truth and purity in your heart.”
Spiritual Teaching
“Based on the Light that I was given from the Universe and the teachings that came with it I founded The Emerald Heart School of Enlightenment. These teachings enabled me to see into 5th dimensional reality, which again opened amazing doors into Earth Healing. The Emerald Heart Light opened me to the point that is called Guru, which means dispeller of darkness, or those who bring light into darkness. In my early days as a healer, it did a great deal of cleansing of darkness as a large part of my apprenticeship with Light. Working one-to-one with individuals was by far the greater part of my practice for the first 20 years after my awakening. During this time I taught very many workshops and retreats all over Europe on all aspects of spiritual work.”
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