Equinox Blessings
Let Your Light Flow Into Mother Earth
Dear Circle of Light Member,
Today I wish for you to receive the blessings of the Light of my heart as a member of our Earth Healing Community regardless of whether you could take part or not.
This morning, I walked the labyrinth that I created on the very cold, wet grass barefoot. I sent blessings to all of you in our community. I asked the Universe to reach down to your hearts and bless you with Light and I asked that the Light pour through your heart and into the heart of Mother Earth.
For those who could register this time for the Earth Healing Event, all will go deeper and that is as it should be through the Law of Reflection.
But there are times when we cannot be a part of the great whole for lots of different reasons and I honour you all on your individual journeys through life and pour my blessings into the hearts of all of you who are with us in the Circle of Light Community. We all serve in our own way.
Equinox Day
Our tiny planet in the vastness of space today goes through changes.The Light of our star, the sun, falls differently upon the face of Mother Earth.
Of course, this happens every day. Every day the sun is in a different place in the blue above making a journey from one extreme point to the other and back again. It is like a pendulum, swinging from north to south and back again.
His Light plays upon the surface of Mother Earth bringing the warmth and then heat of summer and also the coolness and sleep of cold winter. For those of us who live in the northern or southern hemispheres our world changes dramatically through the cycle of a year.
Everything is now changing quickly on Planet Earth and geological history shows that our home has changed dramatically many, many times, from ages of ice to abundant forests, from mountains reaching up to desert sands blowing in the winds. Everywhere we tread has at one time been the opposite of what it is today and life had to find a way to adapt.
Our life cycle is very short in geological time frames, but even so we are seeing huge changes in weather patterns and temperatures. The key place to be within yourself today is not to worry but to be aware and connected.
Be conscious of what is happening around us. Be a part of the changes by reflecting them in your own actions. Change small things as we move from one season to the next and one year to the next. Take a little time to stop and feel Mother Earth.
Take a little time to stop and be a part of nature. Note your place in nature. Note how you are part of the great beating heart of nature.
We are like ants upon the surface of our host and it is important to stop now and then and make that connection to her.
This Monday morning, many millions of people will be rushing off to work in their usual pattern, not even realising that our sun is making the great journey from one hemisphere to the other. They won’t be stopping to say a prayer for the safe return of our next year’s seasons because they have lost their connection to nature.
We cannot blame most of them for they were never taught that they are a part of nature.
A few days ago, I heard part of a speech by one of the indigenous elders of the forest. He was speaking about how his tribe has everything it needs from the forest to survive, but everything we create in our world contributes to the destruction of the world.
You only need to think about any one simple thing to understand him. Most things that we create for our comfort rapes the earth of some mineral or other. For example, just think about a warm jumper. Every aspect of its creation goes through an industrial process. Washings go into rivers, colours are taken from the earth. Artificial fibres are created in laboratories that use the energy of coal or nuclear energy. We don’t need to think very hard to see that the world we have created, as the elder said, is all contributing to the destruction of the planet.
We don’t live with nature in our modern world. We slowly consume it.
I Bless You This Day with the Light of Father and the Love of Mother
I don’t wish to bring you into a dark and depressing place this morning for this is our special day for celebrating, but it is important to bring our awareness to the work that we are doing.
We are bringing Light and Healing to Mother Earth. We are making our contribution to helping to save her from many ailments that we may not even understand.
This great contribution that we make today is to open and offer the Light that flows from our hearts into hear heart, helping to sustain her in her pain and discomfort.
We may not understand the process but that does not matter. What matters is that we care enough to do something about it.
These past weeks, the Emerald Heart Light has been opening a pathway into your heart to prepare you for today. The moment you registered for this Earth Healing Event, the Universe began to gently prepare your heart so that the Light of Heaven could be poured through you into Mother Earth at the moment you initiate your Earth Healing.
That Light is now with you. Your Heart is now filled with Light from many sources to help you help your Mother the Earth.
What Does Jesus have to do with all this?
There have been many fine teachers in our world and the one that I learned much from was Yeshua, known as Jesus. The teachings of the masters are always hidden in metaphor and how you open the Light that is hidden within the words is by contemplation and the deepest desire to know the truth. You don’t need to stop everything you are doing, but you need to bring your attention to hoping to understand the teachings that are hidden in the words.
When you eventually open the Light that is hidden in the words of a teacher, it touches you in way that illuminates the very core of your heart. It opens something within you that helps you to understand the journey that the teacher has made and you realise that their Light is being held out for you at all times.
All you need to do is contemplate their teachings.
In all Christian religions we are taught to honour our Mother and Father but this teaching was never understood by the priests, they just use the words they heard without feeling the truth and Light within them.
When you look into the words when Jesus gave them, he didn’t mean your Mother and Father, he meant Mother Earth and the Light above us. Once you see this, you see the great shaman who was connected to Mother and Father in the deepest way, drawing his words from the Light of the world and the Heavens above. His words are the gateway of understanding, to help us realign with what matters for our salvation as beings living on a small planet that is struggling right now.
So, today, I bless you all with the Light that touched me once I had learned to see the truths in many of his teachings. My heart was opened and I received his great reward of The Emerald Heart Light.
I hold out this same Light for you, for your illumination and understanding.
With my Deepest Love and Blessings for your successful work today.
Thank you for bringing your heart forward to hold the Light for this great Earth Healing Event.